Harina Chemicals
Industry (Office)
Jl. Kayu Putih Tengah I Blk. A2, Pulo Mas
Jakarta Timur - 13260
Phone: (62-21) 4718102, 4718103, 4722593, 4750627
Fax: (62-21)4720705, 4711069
E-Mail: harina@cbn.net.id
Harina Chemicals
Industry (Factory)
Desa Sukadanau
Kecamatan Cibitung - Kabupaten DATI II Cibitung
Bekasi , Jawa Barat
Phone: (62-21) 8900765, 8900766
E-Mail: harina@cbn.net.id
Please note that if you are dialing within Indonesia, add 0 in front of
the area code.
For example, 21-4718102 become 021-4718102.
All letters should be sent to the office address.