P.T. Harina Chemicals Industry is a company that deals in the chemical business. The company has been running for more than half a century. We formulate and pack our products in two factories, which are located in an industrial town called Cibitung, West Java, about 30 minutes away from Jakarta.
In the local market, our foliar fertilizer products, such as Gandasil B and Gandasil D, are very well known by the farmers. Both of them are still become our best selling products for the past 30 years. Besides fertilizers, we also produce pesticides and growth regulators. We are currently exporting our growth regulator, Dekamon, to Vietnam and also targeting the North Asian markets, such as China, Korea, Taiwan, etc., with the assistance of our trading partner, Allied Aces Pte. Ltd. Singapore, owned by Mr. Percy Koh Kim Lin. Allied Aces Singapore is our officially appointed agent which distributes our products throughout the Asian region.